The Virtue of Self-Care: A Tale, a Definition, and Why Coming Out is an Act of Love

A Super Short Story

Consider Josh and Deb. The two, happily married for ten years, are chatting over drinks while awaiting their food. Deb begins to share about a difficult conversation she had with her brother that day, clearly seeking understanding and support from Josh.

Josh, a generally supportive husband, seems to be listening but eventually bursts out in frustration: “listen, Deb, I just can’t deal with this right now!” Josh’s hands are shaking. “I’ve got so much on my plate at work, and a lot of problems I’m trying to solve, and I can’t solve yours right now. I can’t even figure out how to catch my breath!”

The Virtue of Wonder: Loving Beauty but Not Bombs

Can the stars in the sky, the intricacies of the human brain, or the impressive performance of a talented individual enhance our ability to care for our children, be a good friend, or relate to our actual or imagined “enemies” peacefully rather than violently? I think yes.

The virtue of wonder—a habit of amazement, reverence, awe, and curiosity—is essential to love. And we love by giving but also receiving.

Spiritual Growth and Another Problem with “Make America Great Again”

“Make America Great Again!” It’s a message many Christians have already decried, lamenting its racist, exclusionary, and isolationist undertones.

Yet it’s also a message many Christians find appealing. I believe many American Christians may be predisposed to like this message because it echoes a theological narrative they knowingly or unknowingly embrace. A narrative that should be discarded.